Freelancer - Translator - Programmer (VBA Excel)

► More than 10 year experience in using Visual Basic for Application (Excel).
► With VBA all job will more faster, high quality & finished as schedule.
► Translator English to Malay

5/21/2010 02:24:00 PM

Program Penterjemah English ke Malay

Do you feel difficult as below mentioned? (Adakah anda mengalami kesukaran seperti di bawah?)
- Difficult to understand English Article (- Sukar memahami artikel Bahasa Inggeris)
- Difficult to translate from English to Malay (- Sukar menterjemah Bahasa Inggeris ke Bahasa Melayu)
- Don't have dictionary that can be add more word (- Tiada kamus yang dapat ditambah kosa katanya)

If your answer is YES (Sekiranya jawapannya adalah YA,)
You should try our new produk (Cubalah produk terbaru dari kami.)


This is the VIDEO Tutorial that I already upload to YOUTUBE on 26-Sept-2009 (Ini adalah Tutorial VIDEO di YOUTUBE)

The trial version can be download as below link:
(Versi percubaan boleh dimuat-turun dari pautan berikut:)
atau [-] File for Trial Version [ Katalaluan : 123456 ]
atau [-] Manual to use this Program
